the DNA results (2)

pei qiqi was in a daze.

zhao ke said she would be going to macau for a few days?

but tang xin, zhao ke can't go back,

She felt guilty towards Tang Xin.

No matter what, she was the one who made Tang Xin lose her mother!

Just like her, he would be a child without a mother in the future.

PEI Qiqi pursed her lips. Her throat was so dry that she couldn't squeeze out a word.

at this time, she didn't know what to say to tang xin, as if everything she said was a lie.

Tang Xin didn't get a response from her, so she acted coquettishly, " Qiqi, please, Qiqi, okay!

PEI Qiqi found her voice after a long time, " "where are you? I'll go pick you up."

tang xin cheered, " i'm at home, i'll pack my things immediately! " wait for me at the intersection in front of my house."

Tang Xin was also bored out of her mind. She hung up the phone and ran upstairs.

as soon as she went up, she bumped into tang zhiyuan, who had a dark expression on his face.