bone marrow match (4)

pei qiqi reached out and touched her little bald head. her fingers fondled her little nose and her thin face longingly.

he didn't think so in the past, but now he really felt that it was so precious to be able to do this.

Being touched by her like this, Tang Xin felt that Qiqi's eyes were a little strange.

He looked at her like a puppy looking at a bone.

however, she was still attached to this feeling. she moaned and hugged pei qiqi, " " qiqi, if i die, you must remember to think of me. you don't have to think too much, just think about me occasionally. "

PEI Qiqi's heart was filled with an indescribable feeling. She closed her eyes, " no, nothing will happen.

" but i've waited for so many years, " tang xin said pitifully. " i didn't get it. "

Her little face was on PEI Qiqi's shoulder and her little hands clutched it, " "qiqi, don't be sad."

PEI Qiqi hugged her small body and tried her best to hold back her tears, " I'm not sad. I'm really not sad.