Chapter 458-returning to the past

lin yun was still lying there indifferently. she didn't admit or deny it, but asked him back, " "does it have anything to do with you? mr. tang!"

tang zhiyuan was slightly stunned. then, he started to get a little annoyed.

Yes, he was her ex-husband, not her legal husband, so she could openly flirt with Zhao Yi, right?

There was anger in his heart, so he pulled Lin Yun's clothes and kissed her crazily.

lin yun was shocked. she raised her head and broke free from his grip. she pulled his hair hard. " tang zhiyuan, you're crazy! "

He kissed her neck and said angrily,""Yes, I've gone crazy! yunyun, i'm going to make you mine today!" (what an explosive move ~~)

With a tearing sound, Lin Yun's clothes were almost torn apart. Tang Zhiyuan's eyes were red.

he yearned for her too much, and he was too afraid that yingluo would lose her.

he bit her crazily, his voice stammering,"yunyun yingluo told me that you're my yingluo."