The older the ginger, the spicier it is (3)

of all the relatives that tang yu had, the one that everyone was most afraid of was the old man. but pei qiqi felt that the one that was the easiest to deal with was the old man.

Because he was honest, he would say anything directly. He would not give you face, but he would not go too far.

the old man's voice was deep. " this place is very well hidden. girl, you have to know that even if i let you disappear silently from here, probably no one will know. "

"oh, i believe you! Even if my Secretary accidentally found out that I came to see you, you have ways to make her unable to say anything. But elder Lin, I think you came to see me today to make me leave Tang Yu."

pei qiqi paused. " if i disappear and you're still a man, yueyue, and you were once young, would you not forget it and remember it for the rest of your life? "

old master lin's face darkened. why was this girl so difficult to deal with?