tang yu's trick (4)

at this moment, lin yun's heart was truly at ease. she sobbed and leaned on her father's shoulder, her eyes closed. " dad, i'll think it through. "

"if that girl doesn't feel good looking at her, then don't look at her and let the two of them live! We'll meet again in the future if I like it. " the old man patted her. " i think that girl is fine. yunyun, it's been hard on you this time. "

lin yun called out 'dad' with tears in her eyes again. grandpa lin patted her and coaxed her like he did when they were young. " okay, be good. your son helped you get back at him. he did it on purpose. the girl is asleep, and you got back at him. he's atoning for your mistake for that girl. "

the old master had opposed it earlier! a few days ago, he even called pei qiqi over. but seeing tang yu like this, it seemed like he couldn't break up with her.