chapter 498-birth control pills and vitamins!

Tang Yu grabbed her hand and pulled her back. His voice was a little hoarse, " "stay with me for a little longer."

she leaned on his shoulder and bit him. " mr. tang, what do i have to accompany you for? "

this little rascal was deliberately teasing him.

tang yu pressed her down and trapped her under his body. his eyes were burning as he looked at her beautiful face. " that's right, boss pei. what am i playing? "

As she screamed, he leaned in and teased her, " is this the place? or here?"

PEI Qiqi's little face was red beyond belief. She panted and stopped him. She bit her lip, " " tang yu, if you continue to be like this, i'm going to ignore you. "

"you're ignoring me? Then I'll do it myself." he continued to tease her. " be good, don't move. "

He was too much tonight. She blushed and her heart beat faster because of him, but she was worried about Tang Xin next door. In the end, she pushed him away.