Chapter 551-he is overprotective

as the assistant spoke, he looked at shen lian. " according to what i've said, mr. tang and manager shen have a good personal relationship. if even manager shen thinks this way, what about the others? "

shen lian's temper was gone after she suffered a series of setbacks.

Just then, the door to the meeting room opened. Tang Yu walked in slowly with Xiao ran behind him.

his expression was calm as he walked to the conference table, sat down, and put down the documents in his hand.

The assistant bent over and whispered a few words. Tang Yu nodded and looked down, " Marvel's main product for the next season will still be electronics, so we're looking for the most professional talents, the companies that fit the concept of Marvel the best.

He looked down and said, " everyone has seen Marvel's main products. What's the best way to promote these products? "