an unbearable scene (6)

PEI Qiqi started the car and said strangely, " "i thought you'd come to me first."

"we'll calculate after eating!" tang yu's eyes were still closed, " i'm a little tired now. "

As he said this, he rubbed the space between his eyebrows. His fingers naturally pulled off his tie and unbuttoned two buttons.

His shirt was slightly open, revealing his beautiful collarbones and his slightly moving Adam's apple, which was extremely sexy.

PEI Qiqi turned her head and coughed, " Yueyue was very tired last night.

"Yup! i've been reading documents all night." he smiled. " qiqi, call me when we arrive. "

She didn't say anything else. Although she knew that he was more or less pretending, she still couldn't help but feel a little gentleness in her heart.

The car drove more steadily, and ten minutes later, it stopped in front of a private restaurant.

after parking the car, pei qiqi unbuckled her seat belt and looked at tang yu.