Chapter 587-closing the door, spreading dog food!(5)

pei qiqi walked out of the bathroom. she was only wearing white pajamas and her skin was pink. her long hair was tied into a ponytail and she looked pure and alluring.

" pei qiqi, i regret letting you go. " He caught her and kissed her fragrant Little Neck again and again. The tip of his slightly cold nose touched her, and it was a little itchy.

PEI Qiqi pressed against his chest and her little hand gently stroked it. She bit her lip, " I'm done!

Her eyes were wet and she looked like she wanted to kill him. Tang mo kissed her fiercely for a long time before letting her go.

When PEI Qiqi walked out, her legs were soft and her whole body was soft.

In the room, he closed the door and leaned against the door to see that Tang Xin had fallen asleep.

She tilted her little face, and her thin little face looked cute and beautiful.

PEI Qiqi looked on and felt a little sour and bitter!