her period is late (3)

he coaxed her and laid down with her. he carefully placed her in his arms and said in a hoarse voice, " "Baby, you miss her?"

The little Beastie hummed and grabbed his bathrobe with its small hands, exploring inside restlessly.

Tang Yu let her do whatever she wanted and even let her do all sorts of things to him.

There was joy, but more of it was pain.

PEI Qiqi bit his neck and said in a small voice, " "tang yu?"

he didn't move, so she suspiciously reached down to stroke him.

Tang Yu didn't stop her until she screamed and pulled her finger back.

He was a pervert, and he was clearly, clearly, he was a pervert.

he chuckled and turned over to press her down. he only used his arm to support his weight. " little guai, call me brother. "

she lay under him, her eyebrows as beautiful as a painting, soft and beautiful.