the wedding (1)

tang yu and pei qiqi's wedding was held as planned. it was held in a church with a long history.

The wedding was held in the morning, and the family gathering was held in the afternoon. In the evening, a grand banquet was held at the crystal Hotel under the Lin group, with 200 tables.

Even so, elder Lin still felt that the place was too small and kept saying that Tang Yu was too low profile.

before the wedding, elder lin was still grumbling. tang yu adjusted his bow tie in front of the mirror, " grandpa, qiqi is too much for 200 tables. she said toasting is tiring. "

although she had passed the early stages of pregnancy and was not as uncomfortable, the young lady was still very delicate.

the old man didn't care about anyone but pei qiqi.

it couldn't be helped. pei qiqi was young, good-looking, and she had a little one in her stomach.

if he didn't dote on her, who would he dote on?