qi qi, i want to do the things of a beast (2)

pei qiqi already knew this but seeing pei huan like this, she still felt sad.

tang yu's adam's apple bobbed as he held her in his arms. his voice was hoarse, " pei qiqi, i'm not feeling any better than her. "

She looked up at him, and after a while, he picked her up and walked upstairs.

PEI Huan was screaming, cursing, and crying inside, but her voice was getting further and further away.

pei qiqi frowned and pounded tang yu's shoulder, " tang yu, i'm pregnant. "

Ever since she got pregnant, he had never really wanted her, including their wedding night.

but now, his body was so solid and hot.

tang yu lowered his head. his bright and fiery eyes were filled with desire. his adam's apple moved sexily. after a while, he said in a rough voice, " "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I won't hurt you,"

as she spoke, she kicked open the bedroom door.

That force!

PEI Qiqi closed her eyes. This is called knowing your limits?