you're not jealous? you're not angry? part two

pei qiqi was caught off guard by mother lin's passionate gaze. she stammered to tang yu, " "Then let's go back."

She took the initiative to pull him away. Tang Yu smiled.

After walking for a few meters, he patted her little head. silly girl. A girl who was a young mother for the first time would always be shy easily.

He handed the things in his hands to her and reached out to carry them horizontally.

PEI Qiqi wrapped her arms around his neck, " people will laugh if they see this.

no one will laugh. Our Qiqi is going to be a little mother. It doesn't matter how much you spoil her. He lowered his head, the tip of his nose touching hers, and muttered affectionately.

pei qiqi bit her lip then leaned over and bit him again.

Tang Yu's voice was extremely hoarse, " Mrs. Tang, are you trying to stir up the fire or are you feeling guilty? "

pei qiqi hugged him tightly.

could she not choose either of them, because neither of them would end well!