you're not jealous? you're not angry?(4)

Tang Xin still wanted to flatter her and kept asking if aunt was sick.

it made lin yun very uncomfortable!

although zhao yi was not a teenager, because he only had sex once in twenty years, he couldn't help but be greedy. that night, he ignored lin yun's objection and directly dragged her away.

old master lin sat at the dining table and looked around, not saying a word.

the old man sighed in his heart. he had already found a companion, and he was the only one left.

fortunately, tang xin could still relieve his boredom. if it wasn't for tang yu's insistence on taking tang xin away, he really hoped that the little girl would stay and accompany him.

When Tang Xin left, she went to find Lin jinrong.

He was sitting in the study, reading a book. He was a quiet and handsome man.

Tang Xin walked over and touched him with her white little fingers, " "AI."

Lin jinrong raised his eyes and looked at Tang Xin quietly, " "Didn't you say you were leaving?"