the sadness of eggy (3)

qiqi might always be in jinrong's heart, while qingcheng had liked tang xin for so many years.

In his heart, he hoped that Tang Xin and Qingcheng could be together one day.

PEI Qiqi didn't expect him to give her such an answer. She thought that Tang Yu didn't approve of Meng Qingcheng being a Playboy.

"qingcheng isn't what you think he is." Tang Yu didn't say much.

pei qiqi didn't ask any further. some things were better to be a little ignorant than to expose them.

however, unexpectedly, tang xin had a fever that night.

she had already returned to yan hui, but in the middle of the night, yan hui's servant called and said that tang xin had a fever. however, tang zhiyuan wasn't around. he probably went to get drunk and couldn't be reached on his phone. she had no choice but to call tang yu.

after tang yu finished his call, he got up and put on his clothes. pei qiqi sat up as well. she was still sleepy, " what's wrong? "