shen lian is here to collect her lunch box (2)

shen lian screamed at mrs. shen,"mom, why don't you care about me?" aren't you going to ask me what happened?"

mrs. shen did not say a word and remained seated.

She was watching the TV, which was playing a Palace drama.

the inheritance war.

She mumbled to herself, " "How ruthless, he even killed his own father and brother."

she mumbled to herself while watching the tv as if she didn't feel anything.

Shen Lian's entire body was cold. She slowly walked over. The skin on her feet was already worn out and every step was painful.

she turned off the television.

there was no more sound.

after that, there was a deathly silence.

shen lian stood between the television and mrs. shen. her face was covered in sweat and dirt. her voice was hoarse as she said, " mom, i was raped. "

mrs. shen remained seated, and there was not much of a reaction on her face.