tang yu's last resort (1)

Tang mo returned to B city as soon as possible.

Late at night.

He walked along the corridor of the hospital, his footsteps cold and clear. When he pushed open the door of doctor Mei's office, doctor Mei, her assistant, and even Lin Yun and his wife were all there.

Zhao Yi supported his pregnant wife with one hand. He watched Tang Yu come in and helped Lin Yun sit down.

tang yu's face showed the fatigue of flying for a long time, but his body was still tense.

In fact, his heart was on fire.

on the phone, doctor mei told him that qiqi had found something unusual in her routine pregnancy test.

The number of white blood cells in her blood suddenly decreased, and the change was shocking.

of course, the hospital was afraid of making a mistake, so they drew another blood sample, but the result was the same.

All these data showed that the pregnant PEI Qiqi might have contracted an acute blood disease, the same disease as Tang Xin.