we're brother and sister (1)

Every night, he would put her on that ivory-colored bed and gently kiss her.

he carefully worshipped and kissed every inch of it!

PEI Qiqi didn't know why he had to torture himself like this. He clearly couldn't do that, but he insisted on doing it every day.

the storm started half a month later.

A certain entertainment reporter found out about Zhao Ke and PEI Qiqi's background was exposed.

the fact that she was zhao ke's daughter was well-publicized in the media, and the lin and tang families were also under great pressure.

PEI Qiqi naturally saw it. She looked at it for a while and didn't say anything.

after a long time, she finally looked at tang yu, " why would someone suddenly write this? "  

"Do you mind?" Tang Yu looked at her and smiled, " our Qiqi should be very calm.