Qingcheng, I'm already in hell I

when pei qiqi woke up, her surroundings were white and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

she was in a daze and did not want to wake up.

however, she had a feeling that she was no longer carrying a baby.

she continued to sleep unconsciously for a day or two, and then a week or two.

it was very painful. she could feel the nurses walking around her and countless needles poking her body ...

She could feel that Tang Yu was by her side!

but she didn't want him!

The child was gone, and their quarrel was over.

PEI Qiqi only woke up a month later. She had lost a lot of weight.

When she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by white. In the quiet Ward, the nurse was changing the drip for her.

she opened her eyes, and after her mind cleared up a little, she slowly placed her fingers on her lower abdomen.

over there, the flat kasaya

There was nothing left.