He made a move on Shen Lian (3)

The front of the car was smoking, and the back half of the car was stuck in the ground. Bright red blood slowly flowed out from the back seat and seeped into the cement bit by bit.

The scene was chaotic and there were screams everywhere. Shen Lian tried her best to open her eyes and look around.

She wanted to move, but she couldn't. Her leg was in pain.

She wanted to move, but she found that she couldn't exert any strength. The pain also slowly became numb.

in the end, she fell unconscious.

Half an hour later, the ambulance and fire engine arrived together and helped Shen Lian out.

at that time, the doctor shook his head when he saw the bloodied foot. he probably had to amputate anything below the lower leg.

When Shen Lian was carried out, she woke up in a daze for a while. Her white dress was stained with blood and there was still blood dripping down.

"Drip, drip, drip. Is it raining?"

however, the sky was clearly blue and white clouds.