She's crying (1)

Tang Yu's body froze.

Then, he slowly let go of her.

just when pei qiqi thought he was going to let her go, her waist suddenly tightened and she fell into a warm man's embrace.

he held her, a fire burning in his dark eyes, like the brightest blue fireworks in the night sky.

It was deep and quiet.

it also seemed like it would explode at any moment.

she was restrained by him and glared at him angrily, her whole body trembling.

at this moment, anger and humiliation washed over her entire perception. she heard herself ask sharply, " "mr. tang, are you really that desperate?"

perhaps she had provoked him, all the forbearance he had turned into anger. he lowered his head and kissed her little mouth.

he kissed her so passionately and deeply. he kissed her so hard that it felt like it was the last time he would do it.