Leave me, abandon me (2)

"Yes, many times," tang yu looked at her. under the moonlight, his eyes were so deep that they seemed bottomless.

pei qiqi pursed her lips but didn't say anything. she went upstairs.

tang yu stood there and looked up at her slowly disappearing figure.

The only thing that accompanied him was the long night and the small cigarette between his fingers.

PEI Qiqi went upstairs. She stood by the window and looked out. Tang Yu was still standing there. He didn't look like he was going to leave. Beside him, a black sports car slowly stopped.

pei qiqi drew the curtains, turned on the lights, took her clothes and went to take a shower.

She stood in the warm water and felt the hot water wash over her. She raised her head and closed her eyes slightly. She could feel her body trembling slightly.

Every time she thought of that night, she would feel guilty.

that was her brother yingying.