i want to be with her (part three)

Tang Yu's voice was soft, " jinrong, what if I object? "

"Even if you object, I will still insist on being with her." Lin jinrong's face was filled with determination. unless you cancel your engagement with Shen Lian now!  

Tang Yu's pupils contracted and he glared at him.

Lin jinrong chuckled. you can't do it? Brother Tang Zheng, since you don't want her, why are you still pestering her?"

tang yu's eyes narrowed, " jinrong, you followed me? "

lin jinrong lifted his smooth chin slightly, his eyes cold.

He and Tang Yu were related by blood. Sometimes, from certain angles, they really did look similar.

"are you afraid that i'll find out that you kissed her in city H? or did he have sex with her when she was drunk?" as lin jinrong spoke, he threw a punch.

It was a full force.

tang yu took a few steps back from this sudden punch. his body also hit the conference table behind him!