i don't know how to coax a child (part one)

it had to be said that men understood men. even in this situation, tang yu had already slept with her once.

lin yun didn't answer and picked up little zhao yan. little zhao yan's mouth was chattering, and he also wanted to sleep, but he wanted to drink grandma's milk.

tang zhiyuan had raised a child before. at this time, his face turned red and he went out. he lit a cigarette and thought to himself that he actually wanted to take a look at hanhan, but he didn't dare to.

after all, she was no longer his woman, and the child was no longer his.

Zhao Yi's child! zhao yi's woman!

Upstairs, Tang Yu put down little Xin, who was half-asleep. After he put her down, she became restless. She pouted like little Zhao Yan and then put her thumb in her mouth to eat.

Her chubby little body tossed and turned, refusing to sleep. After playing around for a while, she still didn't get to eat, so she started crying.

Tang Yu patted the little guy but he couldn't calm him down.