i don't know how to coax a child (part four)

Tang Zhiyuan's face turned red when he heard that. he's not happy, but I'm not happy either. My wife was originally mine!

Lin Yun glared at him and Tang Zhiyuan didn't say anything. He touched his nose and felt bad.

"You're old, you've passed the age of being competitive, so you should be less angry," Lin Yun said softly.

Tang Zhiyuan didn't like to hear this. After taking a sip of tea, he snorted, " "at your age, didn't you all manage to have a child?"

Lin Yun stopped talking to him.

although zhao ke had been gone for two years, she still didn't want to come here. if it wasn't for tang yu, she wouldn't have come.

Tang Zhiyuan looked at her pursing her lips and not saying a word. He understood her.