Old kan and PEI Huan (4)

PEI Qiqi stood still with one of her slippers in her hand. She mechanically threw away Hanhan.

However, after throwing it away, her feet were still bare. Her fair little feet were very attractive, just like the day she walked to his room door and stammered, "

it was only in front of him that she would still act so helpless and so stupid.

tang yu slowly walked over and picked up her slippers.

before she could react, he knelt down, humbly squatting in front of her, his large hand holding her smooth little foot. those little toes were as beautiful as small mushrooms.

His fingers couldn't help but caress her and quickly helped her put it on. PEI Qiqi shrank her feet and wanted to escape from the daze.

However, his hand held onto her, not allowing her to escape. Then, he stood up, and his large hand slowly moved up, holding her slender waist.

when she came back to her senses, she was pressed against the body of his black rv.