I'll take care of you (3)

" my secretary has just confirmed with your magazine that the exclusive interview will be held in your new issue. " his voice was elegant and charming, and he was talking to an unknown reporter in this way, so it was natural to attract attention.

PEI Qiqi's lips suddenly felt dry. Interview Quan Wanwan

Shouldn't she be the one to beg him many times?

why did he give it to her so easily this time?

" pei qiqi, because i missed you! "

Tang Yu's eyes were deep and he quickly straightened his body. At this moment, PEI Qiqi realized how close he was to her. He was almost right next to her ear.

some things had broken out of their cocoons, but she couldn't catch them.

He was too strong and calm, and she was like a little white mouse under his claws. He watched her struggle helplessly and just looked at her coldly.

Old kan patted her and grinned. "what's going on?"

pei qiqi lowered her eyes, " nothing! let's prepare to enter!"