shen zhongshan begins his counterattack (2)

Shen Lian went downstairs and sat in the car. She couldn't drive with her legs. Doctor Zhang had warned her many times, but she didn't care.

since she had already died once, she was not afraid of another one.

the car was driving very fast. the wind blew in and hit her face. it hurt like tang yu's cold words hitting her face. shen lian laughed softly. her hair stood on end as she laughed.

the red sports car drove towards shengyuan hospital. recently, shen zhongshan's illness had not been very good, so he was hospitalized again.

shen lian got out of the car. when she stepped on the ground, she felt a little pain.

She tried her best to walk steadily, not letting others see the problem with her foot. She didn't want others to know that she was disabled.

and this was given to her by tang zheng. how could she not drag him down to hell with her?