Will you compensate me to you?(4)

She relaxed and pursed her lips without saying a word.

after that, she simply ignored him. if he wanted to carry her, he could. anyway, she would not lose a piece of meat ...

However, Tang mo would lose a heart.

Qin Anlan carried PEI Qiqi around for the entire afternoon. The paparazzi of B city were not to be trifled with. They took photos of him early and prepared to see him on Monday!

besides, qin anlan had gone to all the hospitals except shengyuan hospital.

PEI Qiqi knew what he meant, but she remained silent and didn't say anything.

He had carried her to the hospital for registration, payment, diagnosis, and X-rays. Doctors and nurses who didn't know him would think that they were a couple.

Those who knew him had meaningful looks in their eyes.

If Mr. Tang saw it, how heartbroken would he be?