chapter 882-qiqi, i miss you!

His hot and burning gaze could almost melt her.

it made her feel as if her clothes did not exist, and he was using his eyes to touch her all.

Her body trembled, and she instinctively hugged her own body and whined.

There was a hint of warmth in his eyes, and he let go of her for the time being.

pei qiqi stood there, feeling both hot and cold. she could also feel his strong aura, but she couldn't read his mind. she had no way of knowing what he wanted to do.

she instinctively felt that he didn't force her to come to United States with him for three days just to sleep with her.

Tang Yu, what do you want to do? " her voice was cold, as if she was talking to a stranger.

that misunderstanding had been resolved, and his efforts and forbearance had not been able to reverse everything.

between them, there were more probes and more schemes.

"let's talk in the dining room." He had already taken the lead and walked out.