you only love him, don't you?(3)

pei qiqi leaned against the wall. her hands and feet were soft-

he was really frightened.

she pulled her clothes up with difficulty, pursed her lips, and walked forward step by step.

Qin Anlan stood behind her and asked in a sinister voice, " "pei qiqi, your love is so unwavering, and it will last forever! then, what is lin jinrong?"

PEI Qiqi stood in the warm light and was dazed for a moment when she heard his words. After a long time, she turned around and looked into Qin Anlan's eyes. She said softly, " "jinrong is a beautiful memory for me."

Qin Anlan sneered,'what about me? A nightmare, is it?"

she pursed her lips and did not say a word.

Qin Anlan's expression became even more sinister,"PEI Qiqi!" get lost, the further the better! Don't ever appear in front of me again, or I don't know what I'll do."

pei qiqi's eyes were moist as she glared at him for a long time. suddenly, she picked up her dress and ran out.