Be careful, is that my child?(Gao Tian)

" tang yu, " pei qiqi said softly, " do you want to carry her to the bedroom? "

Tang Yu nodded and smiled, " a child is a child. He's tired so quickly.

He squatted down and carefully picked up the chubby little thing, then walked toward the bedroom.

pei qiqi looked in the direction he went and her eyes felt hot.

Then, was little Xinxin sleeping with them tonight?

She followed Tang mo and walked into the bedroom they used to live in. It felt much more spacious than before.

a photo of them was still placed on the bed. pei qiqi's eyes became even hotter.

tang yu put little xinxin down and carefully removed her shoes and socks.

The little lace socks looked a little funny in his big palm, but he was very serious.

PEI Qiqi lay on the side and watched. She watched as he took care of little Xin Xin and looked at her delicate eyebrows-

her heart skipped a beat.