the cancellation of the engagement (3)

shen lian held a press conference. on the surface, she was talking about jin taihe's current situation. however, at the end of the conference, she still threw out the fact that she was pregnant.

in addition, she faced the camera with a pleading look in her beautiful eyes. she was practically crying as she played the family card, hinting to pei qiqi.

"i know tang yu is an excellent man and many women like him! However, some people's pestering has affected our family of three. I hope some people will back off because I'm already pregnant with Tang Yu's child." shen lian lowered her attitude to the lowest and guided the public.

previously, it was just a groundless accusation, but now that the main character had made such an oath, it was going to be interesting.

Plus, everyone knew about Tang Yu's previous marriage. It was obvious who Shen Lian was referring to. One could only say that this woman was very scheming.