Dad is so amazing (Royal Dog Food)

tang yu coughed, " she's just a kid! "

pei qiqi leaned on the sofa and looked at him, " "She said you were hugging her to sleep."

"How is that possible?" Tang mo smiled.

He propped himself up and kissed her, coaxing her. "You can't trust the words of a child."

She accepted his kiss and said in a cold voice, " "but i feel that a child's words are the truest, not to mention a simple-minded robot."

her little hands wrapped around his neck and her breath smelled like orchids, " tang yu, you and her, have you done it? "

tang yu's expression became extremely uncomfortable. he bit her lips seductively, " silly, how could i! Xiao Qi Qi didn't mess around here, here, and here!"

every time he said something, his finger would point in that direction. pei qiqi couldn't take it anymore. she gritted her teeth and glared at him.

he was really too shameless.

pei qiqi bit her lip and stared at the tears in his eyes, making him unable to extricate himself.