how lonely it is to be invincible (4)

PEI Qiqi called out to her, but PEI Huan cried even louder.

pei qiqi felt that pei huan didn't need a sister, but a mother. right now, she was like pei huan's mother.

on the other side, old kan accompanied su mo to take her blood and then went to the ward.

The two of them remained silent. Su Yue had a feeling that old kan would lay his cards on the table.

She sat on the bed and spoke before he could. "Mingzhu, you know what I'm thinking, don't you?"

Old kan stared at her for a long time without saying a word.

After a long while, he said softly, " "Yes, su Yue, I know! but i can't agree to that."

"why?" su yue's voice was filled with weakness. " i know that i'm always in your heart. old kan, the last time you asked me if i was willing to be with you, i rejected you because i knew that i couldn't have children. But now, I feel like you're the only one who treats me the best in this world."