the little drunk cat (4)

however, that was obviously not a good idea. he could only endure it and clench his teeth. " qiqi, be good and sit back down. "

Her little head was still moving around, and in the end, she actually fell asleep on his lap.

when he reached a red light, he looked down and sighed in his heart. wasn't he afraid of being uncomfortable?

he wanted to carry her back, but he couldn't bear to. he reached out and rubbed her little head, then drove the car steadily.

When they arrived at the Rose Garden, Tang Yu grabbed her coat and put it on her. He then opened the car door and carried her out.

she was probably in deep sleep, so she obediently let him hold her without struggling at all.

tang yu was planning to do something tonight, but she was sleeping so soundly that he had to give up.

after taking a shower, he came out in only a bathrobe and saw her curled up under the blanket. she was wearing the pajamas he had changed into.