Playing with you, child's play!(3)

shen lian saw that their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight. she was even more furious. get lost!"

The assistant quickly chased her away. President Shen, don't be angry.

Not angry?

shen lian turned around and said with a cold face,"you also get lost!"

the little assistant didn't manage to suck up to him. tears welled up in her eyes.

I'll get lost!

Finally, the large hall was empty, and there were no more hateful gazes.

Shen Lian sat there in a daze for a long time before she muttered, " this place is completely mine now. i can do whatever i want, but why am i still not happy? "

She looked at this place and thought of the time when Zhenzhen, Shen Zhongshan, and Mrs. Shen were both here to celebrate her 20th birthday.

That day, Tang Yu also came to Xuxu.

That day, this place was filled with laughter, and she was still a little princess.

now, she had become the owner of this place, but she had lost her happiness.