tang yu, you bastard!(dog food)

if xiao wen had brought this over earlier, she could have shown it to tang yu. shen lian still hadn't given up!

xiaowen looked at pei qiqi's expression and thought that she was jealous. she coughed, " "Then should we throw out the evidence now? Shen Lian will probably have a headache."

"let her be proud for a few days!" pei qiqi laughed,"after her house is built, i'll watch her peel it off herself."  

And for such a new city, Jin Taihe would have to be emptied!

all he needed to do now was wait.

xiaowen looked at pei qiqi in a daze. she felt that boss pei was so two-faced.

after a while, she came back to her senses and left.

PEI Qiqi looked at the photos and placed them into her drawer.