shen lian is slapped in the face (3)

pei qiqi looked at old zhao. old zhao understood and made the call.

In the middle of the night, a large shovel truck drove over in less than ten minutes. The heavy body of the car rolled over the ground, causing the ground to tremble and the sound of rumbling.

shen lian finally realized.

"Shovel that car away and throw it wherever you want!" Old Zhao commanded.

as the shovel car moved forward, shen lian's eyes widened. she immediately started the car and drove back.

what a joke, if it was dug down, her car would probably be scrapped.

The expensive sports car kept backing away and shoveling the car forward, forcing her to the end of the road.

PEI Qiqi got back into the car, " old Zhao, you can drive.

old zhao started the car again and looked at pei qiqi through the rearview mirror, " "Young Madam, you're not angry?"