Kanxing and carpet star (4)

"what's wrong with the name?" pei huan's gaze landed on old kan and thought to herself, this idiot, how can a newborn child be so funny.

pei qiqi held back her laughter. " your son's names are qianqian kanxing and carpet xing. why do they sound so similar? "

even tang yu's lips curved up. he reached out and ruffled his qiqi's hair, " "Nonsense."

However, PEI Huan was furious. Because in the past, she often did not have any works on the red carpet and was laughed at by the media many times!

now, old kan still dared to come up with such a name!

"lian mingzhu, you must be doing this on purpose!" PEI Huan roared. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't get out of bed, she would have torn old kan apart.

Old kan looked at PEI Qiqi sadly, " I definitely didn't mean that.

pei huan cried out, " that's what you mean! you're going to use my son's name to mock me for not having any works for the rest of my life."