Be good, be obedient!(2)

"I gave birth to my own child, how could it be a younger sister!" papa lied.

Tang mo asked the little guy,"Look, aren't you also your mother's sister?"

Little Xin was confused. Thinking about it, it seemed to make a little sense.

however, when she grew up and thought about this, she would think that her father was bad! daddi lied, it was daddi who couldn't give birth!

tang yu accompanied his younger daughter for dinner. when they were done, he looked at his watch. it was already 6 pm.

Without hesitation, he didn't wake PEI Qiqi up. Instead, he brought little Xin Xin to the study room and stayed there until 8 am.

after carefully coaxing her to sleep, he returned to the bedroom and asked the little guy, who was supposed to have a bachelor party, to lie on his big bed and sleep.

tang yu laughed silently again. he sat on the bed and tickled her little face, " Qiqi, your bachelor party should start now.