His earth-shattering secret (1)

pei qiqi lowered her head and looked at herself. her clothes were still intact. not a single button was missing.

this was not beautiful at all!

She picked up the Rose and smelled it. It smelled very fresh. She jumped up to brush her teeth, and her phone rang.

She walked over to answer the call. It was Qin Anlan.

"Qiqi, why did you leave the driver behind last night?" Qin Anlan's voice was restrained.

the license plate she gave him looked familiar. he asked KIME to check and it turned out to be tang yu's.

he was furious, but he boarded a private plane at the last minute. ye liangqiu had dropped a huge bomb in A city, so he had to leave B city for the time being.

At this moment, Qin Anlan was experiencing the greatest turning point in his life and the most difficult choice.

and this difficulty was given to him by tang yu.

PEI Qiqi could hear the anger in his voice and stuck out her tongue, " Anlan, you're not here. I don't want to be alone at home.