Qin Anlan's illegitimate son (4)

He did not touch her again and even let Kime protect her from the perverts in the circle. Therefore, no one dared to touch her unless she was willing.

Now, he wanted to see if this Lily was still the same as before.

once qin anlan made his decision, he would not show her any mercy. besides, he had tolerated her for long enough these past few years!

freezing her was useless to her. this woman was just taking a vacation. in that case, he would tear her apart and see if she would feel pain. would that indifferent face of hers show a painful expression?

when the pain hit him, ye liangqiu's eyes were filled with tears, and his fingernails dug deep into his back muscles!

'Qin Anlan, you bastard!

It was even more painful than the first time.

that time, he would at least coax her and kiss her body. but this time, he came directly!

Without any time to calm down, he just went straight to the point.

ye liangqiu lay there, her body arched in pain.