where did you go?(1)

no matter how he looked at it, no matter how he looked at it, these two seemed to have a relationship of feeding and being fed.

kie followed behind them and sat at the side when they reached the restaurant, not interrupting their conversation.

after pei qiqi sat down, qin anlan knew she was hungry and ordered a meal for her.

PEI Qiqi ate until her mouth was full. She raised her head and looked at Qin Anlan, " "An LAN, aren't you eating?"

Qin Anlan had a cigarette between his fingers. His gaze was unfathomable. I'm not hungry.

in fact, he was hungry. he had exercised for five hours in the afternoon and rushed back to B city, but he was not in the mood.

looking at qiqi, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

She had always been dispensable in their marriage. He knew that she wanted a divorce so that they would not be bound by each other, but he could not bear to let go.