He's so horny (part one)

"i don't need you to guess what other people are thinking," she glared at him.

"but you need my money to get through tonight." he laughed in a low voice. " alright, if you don't listen to me, i'll leave you here. "

he was speaking as if she was just a nobody.

PEI Qiqi frowned and obediently let him hold her hand like he was holding a little lamb.

"Thank you, everyone. My girlfriend has agreed to marry me."

There was a round of applause.

PEI Qiqi followed behind Tang Yan and stuck out her tongue. What she said was as if it was true!

she took off the ring and returned it to him. " "This is for you,"

"Wear it! It's an imitation, so it's not valuable." tang yu said lightly and led her into the mall.