Happy Birthday (part one)

PEI Qiqi leaned against the wall and looked at Tang Yu. Tears welled up in her eyes.

he was still sitting there, his black clothes blending into the darkness. his voice was a little hoarse."Why don't you ask who she is?"

pei qiqi leaned back and looked at him. after a long time, she said, " "who is she?"

if I say that it's my girlfriend, Wanwan, " he smiled at her, " PEI Qiqi, will you be angry? "

pei qiqi glared at him,"she should be the one angry right?."  

She didn't notice that the surroundings had already dispersed, and there were only the two of them in the bar.

On the table beside them, there was a small birthday cake with a lit birthday candle.

The music in the bar turned into birthday wishes, very soft and gentle.

Tang Yu looked at her, " Qiqi, Happy Birthday.

She was still looking at him in disbelief.