happy birthday (part 3)

PEI Qiqi wasn't a fool. Plus, Tang Yu was so obvious. He obviously wanted her to remember everything but was afraid of agitating her.

this fool!

even if she could not recall anything, she already liked him very, very much.

It was just the fifth time they met.

However, just like him, she had the intention to continue this ambiguous relationship to the end. This was because she was still an Lan's wife right now. Before they resolved it, neither of them was willing to talk about the matter.

"let's go, tang yu." pei qiqi lay in his arms. the people around them had already left, leaving only them and the cleaning lady.

Tang Yu reached out and touched her. He smiled, " okay.

he was not in a hurry.

his qi qi had already guessed it.

He also knew that Qin Anlan would find out about everything that happened tonight.

since qin anlan was not in B city, he would definitely send someone to follow him, and KIME was the best candidate.