you're angry?(3)

lin yun hung up the phone and wanted to pull the man up, but how could zhao yi let her go so easily?

he had only eaten meat once this week!

He pressed her down from behind and kissed her neck. His voice was low and hoarse."yunyun, from the back? Hmm?"

he liked to look at his wife's exquisite figure. he liked to stick to her back and put his face on her face to see her aroused look.

Besides, he knew that she liked it this way too.

on the other side, tang yu was in his early 30s. he was having a lively sex education class.

he hung up the phone, smiled, and thought to himself,"uncle zhao just got married at an advanced age, so it's understandable that he can't control himself in that aspect. especially once, zhao yi had a meal with me. he drank too much and complained to me that my yunyun was obsessed with buddhist scriptures and not with my meat."| Body.