The real high profile (2)

PEI Huan said. PEI Qiqi nodded her head dumbly.

In the end, the eight of them went together. However, when they reached King Entertainment's reception room, Amy and the others were stopped outside. Ye Liangqiu's bodyguard said expressionlessly, " "Miss ye only wants to see miss PEI alone. The rest of you can wait outside!"

If PEI Huan was here, PEI Qiqi really wanted to tell her that this was what it meant to act high and mighty!

she turned around and told amy and the others to wait in the meeting room while she went in alone.

unexpectedly, only ye liangqiu and her manager were inside.

After seeing PEI Qiqi, the manager even smiled and left to give them some space.

"I'd like to have a private interview, do you mind?" "And the question will be written by us," ye Liangqiu said indifferently.