mr. tang's marriage leave (dog food)

the next morning, when pei qiqi woke up, tang yu was no longer there.

but there was a soft sound in the living room. she got out of bed and walked out barefooted.

Xiao ran arrived early in the morning with two secretaries. She was talking to Tang Yu.

"This one's pretty good. It tastes pretty good." "qiqi should be able to eat it for three days without getting sick of it," xiao ran said professionally.

Tang Yu reached out and took out another type, " have you confirmed the manufacturer of this spicy rabbit? " food safety?"

xiao ran held back his laughter and said, " safe! It's absolutely safe."

the two secretaries were having a hard time holding it in-pei qiqi was out for a field trip and BOSS was making it seem like his own children were on summer camp.

but thinking about it, he had lost it once, so he was being so careful.